Facial Rejuvenation using laser, chemical peel and dermabrasion
Chemical peel and dermabrasion are traditional, well-proven methods for the rejuvenation of the skin. The medium-depth trichloroacetic acid peel and the deep phenol peel offer distinct advantages and disadvantages and are discussed in detail in this article. The management of complications associated with both peel techniques is also discussed. Regional dermabrasion is an effective adjunct to facial rejuvenative surgery, such as face lift and blepharoplasty. Full-face dermabrasion and spot or local dermabrasion are most often used in the treatment of facial scarring. The technique of dermabrasion is discussed as well as its indications and postoperative care. Results are shown for both dermabrasion and peel.
"A laser is a device that emits a particular wavelength of light that targets either pigment, hemoglobin, or water in the skin" . Targeting pigment helps eliminate spots (or hair or tattoos, for that matter), targeting hemoglobin reduces redness (scars, stretch marks), and targeting water is used to treat wrinkles, she adds. There's no shortage of types of lasers, each of which is best for addressing these different issues. Common ones you may have seen or heard of include Clear & Brilliant, Fraxel, Pico, nd:YAG, and IPL.
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